Official 0by30 in cities pre-event to the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety 2020
18/02/2020FEVR on UN Road Safety Collaboration meeting
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We started our video testimonies with a bereaved mother ( and father) 6 weeks ago and today 3 weeks till November 15th we close the series with 3 other mothers remembering so many others for the 15th/25th Anniversary of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
All 15 videos with the 25 testimonies can be seen
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Loosing a child is the worst what can happen to parents
Jeannot Mersch, FEVR president: "these 3 bereaved mothers remember us the millions of other parents who lost a child in road traffic, sudden tragedies who could easily be preveneted"
More on FEVR activities for this Year and the past ones
Jeannot Mersch, FEVR president: "these 3 bereaved mothers remember us the millions of other parents who lost a child in road traffic, sudden tragedies who could easily be preveneted"
More on FEVR activities for this Year and the past ones
Fact to ACT
- 15 Years: Since the Recognition of the WDoR in 2005 by the UN more then 3.000 000 children died.
- 25 years: Since the start of the WDoR in 1995 by the FEVR more then 5.000 000 children died.
- Those parents who lived these moments know very well the situation which cannot be described by words
- Beside bereaved parents there are many more faces behind these figures, as brothers, sisters, grand-parents, friends and neighbours and many others
- And we hope that the next decade there will be less children killed, or seriously injured in our streets worldwide:IF STREETS ARE SAFE FOR CHILDREN THEY ARE SAFE FOR EVERYONE.
- Please ACT for less faces behind these inacceptable numbers