Official 0by30 in cities pre-event to the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety 2020
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04/02/2022Brussels 12.3.2021
More Justice on European Roads
Should data protection hinder investigations of road traffic crashes?
The EDR needs to deliver data which could be used by collision researchers and analysists but also by police forces to help timely court decisions being pronounced.
Press Release today
french translation with V & C
Letter from EU Justice Commissioner
Roadpol Presidents call
french translation with V & C
Letter from EU Justice Commissioner
Roadpol Presidents call
Roadpol Presidents call
Human rights over data protection
- Data needed: location, date and time of events
- determine speed of driving, braking attempts or time, or possibly red-light violation. This is absolutely essential for road victims and victim families to obtain justice after a fatal or injury crash.
- Data protection must not be an obstacle if there are legitimate interests of road victims involved. Anyone can be involved in a serious crash unexpectedly. Not knowing what happened and not being able to have proof may lead to severe psychological trauma