Official 0by30 in cities pre-event to the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety 2020
18/02/2020Brussels 19 June 2019 - ETSC Road Safety Performande Index
A fifth year in a row of slow progress – the EU road safety targets for 2020 is out of reach 25,047 people lost their lives in 2018, representing a disappointing 1% reduction The EU would need to reduce the number of road deaths by 20.6% in 2019 and 2020 to reach the 2020 target – a highly unlikely possibility as 10,3% reduction needed each year? FEVR also wants to congratulate Ireland who are this years PIN award winner, Minister of Transport Shane Ross, the RSA and all the others who joined in Ireland for this goal that we all have in common.
A fifth year in a row of slow progress – the EU road safety targets for 2020 is out of reach 25,047 people lost their lives in 2018, representing a disappointing 1% reduction The EU would need to reduce the number of road deaths by 20.6% in 2019 and 2020 to reach the 2020 target – a highly unlikely possibility as 10,3% reduction needed each year? FEVR also wants to congratulate Ireland who are this years PIN award winner, Minister of Transport Shane Ross, the RSA and all the others who joined in Ireland for this goal that we all have in common.

PIN by country all should try to be ( dark) green

not great at all
Unfortunately, serious Injuries are not reduced as much as fatalities. The outgoing Commissioner Violeta Bulc has done a lot to have serious injuries on the agenda and also not forget them in the target setting for 2030, and for that she deserves full credit. She had also to fight long and hard to keep road safety measures on the political agenda.