05/07/2017FEVR & Post Crash Response
The 5th Pillar of the Decade of Action for Road Safety is for FEVR a very important one: Post Crash Response (PCR)
That’s also why in the future, beside collaborating to work on the 4 first Pillars on Road Danger Reduction we also want to concentrate a bit more on this 5th Pillar especially as long as we are far away from getting closer to Zero Fatalities & Serious Injuries in road traffic. FEVR was invited in May to Dakar ( Forum Post-Brasilia Actions for Road Safety in Africa, organised by Laser International ) and to Tunis to speak about our approach to the PCR.
Video from Tunis 13. Road Safety Conference organised by PRI and ATPR last 4.-6. May
We also hosted also a PCR-Symposium during the GM of the Global Alliance of Road Victim/Road Safety NGO’s in Kuala Lumpur last 4.4.17. After the presentation of several studies…
KL 4.4. Impact (Jeannot Mersch) GUIDE FICVI GLOBAL ALLIANCE (Jeanne Picard FICVI)
….Manuel Ramos and Eric Remacle from Handicap International gave a presentation about cultural differences:
Culture Road safety (ppt)
Culture Road safety (pdf)
There were ALSO presentations about the 3 important topics that should be included IN the PCR:
what is post crash_FEVR (Yolanda Domenech)
A) Support:
A1: Pre-Hospital Care_Experiences from Bangladesh ( CIPRB:S.M.Chowdhury )
A2: psychological support_FEVR ( Yolanda Domenech)
B) Investigation
A1) Video from Catalonia Transport Division
A2) MIROS Traffic Crash Investigation (Mr Iskandar Abdul Hamid )
C) Justice
Justice and Road Safety ( Viviam Perrone)
FEVR just justice (PDF) ( Jeannot Mersch)
FEVR just justice (pptx) (Jeannot Mersch)
“Together with Yolanda Domenech, ( FEVR board member and psy consult, from PAT A PAT, Spain ) who helped a lot to make this event a success I want to thank all speakers and friends” J.Mersch FEVR president