05/07/2017Official 0by30 in cities pre-event to the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety 2020
18/02/2020As you may know FEVR who started in 1993 with Road Peace and Brigitte Chaudhry the 1. Day of Remembrance, has traditionally developed “our” day and now again produced a poster with the official slogan agreed by UNRSC early this year:
This slogan is linked to the 1st Pillar of the UN Decade of Action: “Road Safety Management” and fits well as reminder to the SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) 3.6
Thanks to Brigitte and the designer of the official candle Logo, Simona we are able to offer this poster already 2 months ahead, for those who will share, promote & support.
Feel free to download the Poster either as full English version or as “No Wording” Version and add the title, slogan and date in your preferred translation for posting on social media
If u need a Poster in higher resolution for Printing (Photoshop, pdf , TIF, PNG… ) leave a message to:
and we will send it ( wetransfer)
Please support and share also the official WDR symbol, the black ribbon and widely use #WDoR2017 for all your social media posts.
We also kindly ask you to leave both the FEVR and FIA Foundation Logos besides putting your own Logo(s) and report back with pictures and Info about your 2017 activities, write to
so that we can put a link/share on our media.
I wish all of u you a successful World Day 2017
on behalf of the WdoR2017 team:
Jeannot Mersch
WDoR2017 coordinator and FEVR president