Official 0by30 in cities pre-event to the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety 2020
FEVR on UN Road Safety Collaboration meeting
04/02/202218. November we had organised a 1. webinar about the 5th Pillar of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety
Post Crash Response in Europe
What have we retained from this important issue for Road Victims
Urgent measures needed in all 3 topics: MEDICAL CARE/Rescue/Support - INVESTIGATION of Crashes - Civil & criminal JUSTICE
Post Crash Response in Europe
What have we retained from this important issue for Road Victims
Urgent measures needed in all 3 topics: MEDICAL CARE/Rescue/Support - INVESTIGATION of Crashes - Civil & criminal JUSTICE

we need to ACT NOW, fast and correct rescue, better medical care & rehabilitation and support for Road Traffic Victims through in depth investigation of crashes and a better criminal and civil justice
Panelists Quotes
Justice = important 4 victims
WDoR2020 # and President Thanks & Thoughts
- Big Thanks to all panelists
- special thank to Moderator Banita
- in the next Decade the Post Crash Response needs to be better considered
- REMEMBER SUPPORT and ACT REMEMBER those who died SUPPORT those who survived ACT for a better POST CRASH RESPONSE