Who are we? What is FEVR?
“Working to protect the interests of road crash victims & to reduce road danger”
FEVR is an NGO with UN consultative status – a Federation of different organisations countries in Europe and beyond, who offer help and assistance to road victims and campaign for their rights and for the reduction of road danger.

Membership eligibility criterias
FEVR has 2 forms of Membership - Full Members and Associate members.
Many of the member organisations have been set up by victims themselves when they experienced that no help was available to people whose close relatives were killed or injured in a road crash or who have been injured themselves.
FEVR also have a 3rd form of collaboration called "Friends of FEVR"
Full Members: here
Associate members: here
Friends of FEVR: here
How being a member of FEVR can benefit your organisation

A stronger voice for small organisations
Most of our organisations have their origin in a personal tragedy and hence most are generally small and poorly resourced national organisations, who have taken on the huge task of trying to address the much-neglected issue of road death and injury and road victim treatment, and to make a positive difference in their own countries.
Being affiliated to an international umbrella organisation can make small organisations like ours, not only appear stronger to the outside world, but actually be stronger by being united in pursuance of the same goals or aims.
Greater chance for our demands to be met
There is a greater weight to our demands on behalf of road crash victims if we make those against the background of this international coalition, and therefore a much greater chance for those demands to be met.

Sharing of knowledge and experience
Being part of this network also gives us an opportunity to learn from each other’s knowledge, initiatives and experiences, so that we and the people we represent can benefit, and we do not need to struggle alone or miss valuable opportunities.
Meetings in countries of colleagues
Having the meetings hosted by colleagues in their own countries has proved to be a wonderful idea and chance to learn at first hand about each sister organization and about traffic and related situations in the member countries. We wish to continue with this practice, as this also gives additional opportunities to organizations to hold press and other conferences and to highlight their international membership with the media.

Joint projects
The joint projects conducted in the past have been important and unique initiatives, which have served to publicize the plight and needs of road crash victims and the urgency of giving greater attention to them. Cooperation is needed for planned future projects relating to post crash areas, esp. the legal response to road death and injury.