After being involved in an a crash or injury, it can be difficult to deal with the consequences and to make the correct decisions.
This is even much more difficult if the event occurred outside the home country of the victims, where the language, the administration and the legal system are different.
In the state of grief and sadness, life has to be arranged and institutions need to be approached that you never before have been faced with.
It is explained below how you can deal with this and what you must bear in mind.
DECLARE WITHOUT DELAY, by registered mail, your crash or injury to all the concerned insurance companies, for example:
- (Crash or injury insurance -=- Medical expenses, loss of earning)
- (Health insurance -=- Medical expenses)
- (Civil liability insurance -=- Legal and medical expenses, moral harm, loss of earning or support, damage to economical future)
- (Professional contingency fund -=- Rent)
- (Civil liability of occupant insurance -=- Capital)
- (Legal protection insurance -=- Legal expenses)
- (Life insurance (in the case of death) -=- Capital or rent)
As far as possible keep your original documents and send only photocopies.
Be careful about the delays given to assess your observations or to appeal against decisions. If you don’t observe these delays, you may loose all your rights.
In principle and to be sure to be able to prove that you observed the delays, communicate always with the insurance companies by registered mail.
Don’t forget to indicate your name, address and possibly the date and number of your case in your correspondence.
Don’t give up in advance any indemnity, even for “moral harm” because your capacity to withstand the consequences of the crash or injury will be improved by economical assistance.
In general don’t ever sign any declaration of responsibility or receipt for final credit balance without having consulted your legal service or a lawyer.