Official 0by30 in cities pre-event to the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety 2020
18/02/2020MEPs back new road and vehicle safety rules
New EU rules covering road infrastructure safety and minimum vehicle safety standards moved a step closer today
following approval by a key committee of MEPs in the European Parliament.
The European Transport Safety Council welcomed the progress and is calling for the EU to reach a final deal on both pieces of legislation as soon as possible.
Press Release:
Ellen Townsend ETSC Policy Director of : “MEPs deserve praise for backing a strong package of road infrastructure and vehicle safety legislation today. We hope the final package that ends up being agreed will make a significant contribution to reducing the 500 deaths on European roads each week, and that pressure to weaken the rules is strongly resisted during the upcoming negotiations.”
FEVR is also in favour of these safety rules as infrastructure & Vehicle safety are 2 important pillars for a safe system Approach
Safer truck design
Also voted on today – supporting safer truck design, making it less stressful to drive and streets safer for cyclists and pedestrians.
We also support T & E (Transport & Environment) on this issue
Jeannot Mersch, FEVR President: “This is a good day for Road Safety in Europe as we really need a more effective Road Safety Approach to get back on track to reduce the numbers of fatalities and serious injuries ”
Fatigue Kills: MEPs back amendments on cabotage, but reject those on rest times and Posting
In the TRAN meeting there was also a vote on the “social pillar of the Mobility Package“, regarding the posting of drivers , driving & rest time, and cabotage. The 2 First files were rejected by the Committee and will now have to be discussed by Transport committee coordinators how to proceed with the three mobility package proposals at the next coordinators’ meeting.
Roberto Parrillo, President of the ETF Road Transport Section, thanked MEPs and unions for their efforts. “MEPs voted against all attempts to make drivers sleep in their cabins for weeks and work for longer without rest. What a victory for workers and the ETF! This is the most socially-minded vote in the Transport Committee for a long time, and it is a direct result of our member unions’ mobilisation across Europe this week.”
Press Release:
The results
On cabotage and access to the market, MEPs approved a real solution to deal with letter box companies and guarantee fair competition in haulage. The ETF congratulates Ismail Ertug (S+D), the rapporteur who safely guided this vital dossier through the committee.
In the controversial debate on driving and rest time, fairness and road safety won the day. We thank those MEPs who voted against all proposals to make drivers work for longer without rest and sleep in their cabins for weeks on end. It is clear that there is no majority for reforms which harm drivers’ wellbeing and put all road users at risk.
On posted workers and equal pay, rapporteur Merja Kyllonen (GUE/NGL) made real progress towards a practical solution for mobile workers – but then MEPs were unable to finalise a position and rejected all amendments. However the simplest and fairest solution was proposed by the Employment Committee last year: international drivers should receive the same pay as local drivers from the very first day they are sent abroad.
This topics, especially changing the driving and rest times for professional drivers, will compromise Road Safety. FEVR is with ETF ( European Transport Federation) and others, supporting Fair Transport as #FatigueKills.