FEVR General Assembly, September, Cracow, Poland
13/10/2022World Day of Remembrance 2022
04/11/2022October 18th FEVR participated in Brussels on the meeting of European Transport Safety Council (ETSC). The meeting was led by Mr. Antonio Avenoso, Director of European Transport Safety Council with presence of Mrs. Claire Depre, Head of Road Safety Unit in European Comission.
The FEVR board member Katarzyna Dobrzańska-Junco presented two main topics. The first one was dedicated to #InvisibleVictims campaign which was created by FEVR member from Spain, Yolanda Domenech P(A)T. FEVR supports the initiative and campaigns for recognizing the road crash victims as victims of crime. Unfortunately, the implementation of the Directive 2021/29/EU differs in various countries and road crash victims, victims of road violence, are still not perceived as victims of crime. That is why P(A)T, together with FEVR take the opportunity while the directive is under debate, to strengthen the voice of road victims, focus on the road violence and guarantee that the road crash victims receive the necessary protection and rights. The second presentation concerned current activities of FEVR and cooperation with other organizations especially ETSC which included among others common conference on road safety with presence of Mr. Antonio in. Poland and latest World Bank Report & ITF on Safe System also with support of ETSC and Mr. Avenoso, FEVR and Malopolska Wojewódzka Rada Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego as main safe system implementation entity.
The meeting was also assisted by other FEVR members, Donna Price from Ireland and Wulf Hoffmann from Germany, strengthening this way FEVR’ voice in Europe.
We encourage everyone to join the P(A)T and FEVR campaign by advocacy signing the change.org petition on: